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The Most Popular Marketing Resources in 2025 (Exclusive Data!)

We surveyed over 500 businesses to find out where they go for marketing resources and insights. Get the full breakdown.


Google Ads Benchmarks for YOUR Industry [Updated!]

We all want to create unicorn ads that have the highest CTRs and the best conversion rates. But a good metric for one industry isn’t necessarily good for another. What numbers should you be looking to beat in your industry? We dug into our data to find out!

Mark Irvine
February 19, 2016 | Reporting & Analysis

Google Ads Benchmarks for YOUR Industry [Updated!]

We all want to create unicorn ads that have the highest CTRs and the best conversion rates. But a good metric for one industry isn’t necessarily good for another. What numbers should you be looking to beat in your industry? We dug into our data.

Do You Know Who Your Competitors Are? The 5 W’s of PPC Competitor Analysis

Do you need to do competitor analysis for PPC? YES! Find out how - plus when, why, who your competitors are, what tools to use for competitive analysis and more...

Maddie Cary
February 17, 2016 | Paid Search Marketing

3 Free Tools to Help You Understand Your Online Audience

Technology is a massively important tool for growing your company. Here are three services that will help you better understand your audience so you can easily boost sales.

Larry Kim
February 16, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

How to Edit Your Own Work: A Self-Editing Checklist

Learning to effectively edit your own writing can be tough. Follow the tips in this self-editing checklist and you'll be on your way to becoming a more independent, autonomous content producer.

Dan Shewan
February 11, 2016 | Copywriting

5 Steps to Landing a Big Account (When You Suck at Sales)

For those of us who weren't born with sale genetics, finding new clients can be tough. Check out this super-simple, creative formula for snagging big accounts.

How to REALLY Run a Twitter Lead Generation Campaign

You can generate tons of high-quality leads using Twitter ads - but don't follow Twitter's rules! Here's the real way to run a Twitter lead generation card campaign.

Larry Kim
February 9, 2016 | Social Media

Harness the Power of Google Ratings

Learn the difference between Google seller ratings and product ratings and how to make the most of both for better performing AdWords campaigns.

Marketing for a Good Cause: 7 Strategies for Nonprofits

Marketing for nonprofits can be challenging. Your budget is smaller, but on the plus side, you’ve got the passion and the drive to succeed! Luckily, there are plenty of smart strategies to get your nonprofit organization noticed WITHOUT breaking the bank!

Margot Whitney
February 4, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

How to Use Google Ads Search Partners Data to Improve Your Campaigns

Far too many account managers include search partners without understanding the impact they can have. Learn exactly how these affect your bottom line!

25 Ways to Increase Online Sales

Want more online sales? We know the feeling! In this comprehensive guide, we'll show you 25 actionable ways to increase sales online starting today.

Dan Shewan
February 2, 2016 | Ecommerce Strategy

10 Advertising Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Credibility

When it comes to paid search, advertisers only have one tiny snippet of copy to win over customers. Make sure you’re not committing these all-too-common advertising mistakes!

Erin Sagin
January 29, 2016 | Copywriting

Cracking the Code on Gmail Ads: My 7 Best Tips

Gmail Ads, formerly known as Gmail sponsored promotions, are an awesomely effective way to reach new customers - if you do them right! Here are my best tips for mastering Gmail Ads, including tips to increase your open rates and reach your competitors’ customers.

Larry Kim
January 29, 2016 | Paid Search Marketing

The New AdWords App for Apple iOS: 5 Things You Need to Know Right Now

Rejoice, search marketers! Google recently announced the launch of its AdWords app for iOS. Here's everything you need to know about the app.

Larry Kim
January 29, 2016 | Paid Search Marketing

10 Stats That Will Make You Rethink Marketing to Millennials

With their ever-increasing buying power, millennials are one of the biggest emerging opportunities for marketers. Learn what makes this generation tick, then check out our top 10 stats that will revolutionize your approach to marketing to millennials.

Erin Sagin
January 27, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

Cheat Sheet: Bing Ad Extensions

Which BingAds extensions are right for your account? Get a rundown of each extension and how to use it with this nifty cheat sheet.

Erin Sagin
January 27, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

Does Facebook Advertising Work? [DATA]

Does Facebook advertising work? YES. In this post, we'll cover exactly how and examine the data behind why this is such a powerful tool.

Dan Shewan
January 21, 2016 | Facebook Ads

Intent Marketing: The Life-Changing Magic of Giving People What They Want

Intent marketing is everything this year! Learn why addressing user intent is so important in both content marketing and paid advertising in 2017 and beyond.

Elisa Gabbert
January 21, 2016 | Content Marketing

My Top 12 Can’t-Miss Digital Marketing Conferences

Build your business and make great connections at these premiere marketing events in 2016.

Larry Kim
January 21, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Connection Request

What are the 11 most boring words in the English language? “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” In this post, we'll walk you through the secret formula to writing an irresistible LinkedIn connection request.

Larry Kim
January 18, 2016 | Social Media

5 Tips for Dominating Your Ecommerce Keyword Research

Building out an e-commerce account is daunting--it's easy to run out of keyword ideas! Luckily, these five tips will ease the pain and help you find brand new, unique e-commerce keywords.

Erin Sagin
January 18, 2016 | Ecommerce Strategy

5 Tips to Create More Memorable YouTube Ads

Coming up with clever video ideas is challenging—but why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to? Check out these five, tried and true strategies to create memorable YouTube ads.

Erin Sagin
January 12, 2016 | Marketing Ideas

21 Amazing Facebook Facts You Didn’t Know

As you’d expect from the world’s most popular social media site, Facebook has a fascinating story – and more than a few trivia tidbits that might surprise you. Here are 21 amazing facts about Facebook that will prove just how remarkable the site really is.

Dan Shewan
January 12, 2016 | Social Media

Our 13 Best Social Media Advertising Tips EVER!

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to social media marketing. In this post, we revisit our best social media marketing tips, including Facebook marketing ideas, Twitter engagement tips, tips for increasing ROI, and more.

Dan Shewan
January 11, 2016 | Social Media

The Art & Science of Call-Only Ads

Why sit around waiting for the phone to ring? Google AdWords Call-Only Ads are an awesome way to drive calls to your business. Here's how...

25 Digital Marketing News Sources You NEED to Be Reading

To say that the digital marketing industry moves rapidly would be a considerable understatement. With everyone moving fast and breaking things, it’s easy to fall behind on the news that really matters. Here are 25 digital marketing news sources you NEED to read.

Dan Shewan
January 5, 2016 | Marketing Ideas