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The Most Popular Marketing Resources in 2025 (Exclusive Data!)

We surveyed over 500 businesses to find out where they go for marketing resources and insights. Get the full breakdown.


How to Use Google Ads’ Customer Match: The Ultimate Guide

Customer Match is an awesome way to reach a targeted list of prospects with your AdWords ads. Check out our step-by-step guide to setting up Customer Match targeting for campaigns on the Search Network in Google AdWords.

Clean Up Your Conversion Tracking Mess with the New Streamlined Facebook Pixel

Facebook recently announced the launch of a new, streamlined tracking pixel for advertisers (a huge improvement!). Here's what you need to know.

Brett McHale
October 27, 2015 | Facebook Ads

10 Things You Need to Know About the New Facebook Search

Larry Kim reveals the 10 things advertisers must know about interworkings of the new Facebook search system.

Larry Kim
October 27, 2015 | Social Media

Invite Email Contacts & 4 Other Hidden Facebook Features You NEED to Know

Some of Facebook's most powerful features are easily overlooked. Check out the five hidden Facebook features, including invite email contacts, that you need to know!

Larry Kim
October 26, 2015 | Social Media

9 Killer Demand Generation Strategies for New Brands

Demand generation is crucial for companies of all sizes, especially new brands and startups. But what is demand generation marketing exactly, and how can small brands start leveraging the power of demand generation to grow their business?

Dan Shewan
October 22, 2015 | Marketing Ideas

How Dopamine Can 3X Your AdWords CTR

Dopamine is the Kim Kardashian of molecules! Learn how you can spike the dopamine in your customers' brains to entice them to click on your ads and 3X your AdWords CTR!

Shopping Remarketing Lists Can Increase Your CTR & CVR by 400%

Laern how to implement Remarketing Lists for Shopping Ads, which can have a HUGE impact on your Shopping click-through-rates and conversion rates in AdWords!

Mark Irvine
October 21, 2015 | Ecommerce Strategy

11 Unbelievably Specific Facebook Audiences You Can Target

Facebook is at the forefront when it comes to targeting options to home in on your business’s buyer personas and show them the most relevant offerings. Check out these 11 unbelievably specific Facebook audiences you can target, and beware – they get more and more granular as the list goes on.

Margot Whitney
October 20, 2015 | Facebook Ads

Our Top 10 Best Holiday Marketing Strategies EVER!

It's never too soon to start thinking about your holiday marketing strategy. In this post, we outline our top 10 holiday marketing tips that you can implement right now.

5 Reasons You Should Be Advertising on Facebook

There is one social network that ALL marketers and advertisers simply cannot ignore, and that network is Facebook. Check out the five top reasons why you should be running ad campaigns on Facebook to reach your best audience of potential customers.

Margot Whitney
October 14, 2015 | Facebook Ads

3 Tips for Ranking in the Featured Snippet (AKA Position Zero)

Getting into Google's featured snippet is like ranking in position zero! Learn how to get featured snippets in Google and earn tons of organic traffic.

Elisa Gabbert
October 13, 2015 | Content Marketing

The Rise of Ad Blockers: Should Advertisers Be Panicking?(!!)

Ad blockers have been around for years, but online advertisers all over the world have been freaking out about these software programs lately. Some news websites have even gone as far to say that ad blockers will herald the end of the Internet as we know it.

10 Remarketing Facts that Will Make You Rethink PPC

Think retargeting is creepy or doesn't work? Think again! We have REAL data that proves remarketing ads work way better than you believe. Check out these 10 mind-blowing facts that will change the way you think about remarketing campaigns.

Larry Kim
October 1, 2015 | Display Ads

3 Stupid-Easy Ways to Combat Ad Fatigue

Whether we like it or not, we’ve all been fatigued by advertisements. Whether it’s the ugly billboard you see day after day on your commute to work or the pop-up to “take advantage of the CAR SALE before it’s TOO LATE!” that keeps appearing when you’re reading the news online.

Google Announces AdWords Customer Match Targeting

In the past, advertisers have had to rely on demographics & affinities provided by Google, or past online actions to target users in AdWords. Customer Match allows advertisers to now create and target a custom user audience simply by uploading a list of email addresses.

Mark Irvine
September 28, 2015 | Paid Search Marketing

Room Service! 7 Essential Hotel Marketing Strategies

When I was thinking of how best to open this post on hotel marketing strategies, several possibilities occurred to me. I could’ve made a pithy reference to The Eagles’ seminal 1976 single “Hotel California.”

A Quick Guide to Google Ads App Campaigns

Google Ads app campaigns (formerly universal app campaigns) are highly effective ways to promote your mobile apps across the web. Learn more!

Cleo Hage
September 18, 2015 | Paid Search Marketing

9 Money-Making PPC Tips for Retail Marketing

The top 9 ways to roast your retail competition and run effective shopping and search campaigns.

How to Create Buyer Personas That Are Scary Accurate

Creating buyer personas is one of the best ways you can get inside your ideal customers' head and really understand who they are, and how to sell to them.

How Much Does Facebook Advertising Cost? A Definitive Guide

A common question that arises when discussing Facebook advertising, generally right after "Do Facebook ads work," is “How much do Facebook ads cost?” We answer that question and much, much more in this all-encompassing guide to Facebook advertising.

Brett McHale
September 14, 2015 | Facebook Ads

The 8 Coolest Ad Targeting Features in Marketing Right Now

The ad targeting options available to marketers these days are staggeringly powerful. Here are Larry Kim's eight favorite targeting features in PPC and social media marketing.

Larry Kim
September 11, 2015 | Marketing Ideas

The PPC Success Report, Now with Bing Ads Reporting

Bing Ads advertisers, you're in luck! The PPC Success Report now includes comprehensive Bing Ads data and analysis. Learn more...

Everything You Need to Know About the Google/Alphabet Move

Want to know what's going on with Google and Alphabet? Here's everything you need to know about Google's new parent company.

Dan Shewan
September 4, 2015 | Paid Search Marketing

Google Rolling Out New Structured Snippets Ad Extension

Google is rolling out a brand new ad extension, Structured Snippets. Find out what you need to know about using the new AdWords extension here!

Cleo Hage
September 2, 2015 | Paid Search Marketing

Our 10 Best Landing Page Tips & Tricks Ever

In this post, we count down our top 10 landing page tips and tricks ever!

Dan Shewan
September 1, 2015 | Landing Pages

Google Display Network Now Auto-Converts Text Ads into ‘Richer Text’ Image Ads

We've confirmed that Google is now automatically converting text ads into richer image ads for the Display Network. Learn more about how it works!

Larry Kim
August 28, 2015 | Display Ads