AI agents are handy tools to help businesses grow. Here's how they can help yours.
Learn how to use Flexible Bid Strategies in AdWords to simplify bidding and bid optimization in your Google AdWords pay-per-click campaigns.
Amazon reviews are super helpful when you're trying to decide which product to buy. But they're also great for a laugh. Check out our list of the top 10 funniest Amazon reviews and the strangest Amazon products!
When you wish upon five stars, it makes no difference who you are – your business dreams come true! In this post we’ll talk about why Amazon customer reviews are important and the various ways you can earn them (both legitimately and not-so-legitimately).
Here in Boston, we finally had a day that one could call “Spring-like.” It was warm (a whole 52 degrees!), people were walking around without jackets, and there was a general feeling of “I really hope we are done with the snow” filling the air.
Dynamic parameters can double your CTR! Learn how to use dynamic parameters to dynamically and automatically update figures in your Google AdWords text ads.
Your unique selling proposition, or USP, is what makes your business different. Learn how to write a USP by following these proven unique selling proposition examples.
Google Ads shopping campaigns are indespensible to today's ecommerce marketer. Learn how to set up, optimize, and maximize your Google Shopping campaigns in this post.
Will raising your AdWords bids always increase your ad position AND your clicks. Nope. Find out why not, plus the best way to increase AdWords ad clicks.
In his latest Webmaster video, Matt Cutts answers the question: “How does Google separate popularity from authority?” (This question came from a “Blind Five Year Old,” by the way! That’s our friend AJ Kohn unless someone stole his alias.)
Worry about your Google AdWords Exam? Concerned that you're not yet AdWords certified? Don't be! In this post, we outline four reasons why the Google AdWords exam isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
A/B tests are an integral part of WordStream's marketing efforts. In this post, we examine three A/B tests that surprised us.
Learn how to bake content promotion into your content strategy from the start to increase the reach of your content and build a fan-worthy brand!
Learn how to develop a PPC plan and workflow that aligns with your business goals, whether you want to drive traffic, increase sales and leads, or build your brand.
Although schema and other structured markup formats have been around for several years, relatively few people actually know what schema is or what it’s for. Today, we’re going to answer your questions about schema and why you should make it an integral part of your SEO strategy.
What is a good conversion rate? Learn a step-by-step, replicable process for boosting your conversion rates.
Explainer videos are short online marketing videos used to explain your company’s product or service. They're fun to make, will jumpstart conversion rates, and are overall great to have for any startup business. Learn about all the ins and outs of explainer videos in this post.
When it comes to mobile landing pages, every second counts. Don't miss out on potential conversions. Follow these tips to build the perfect mobile landing page.
Want to see some bad ads? I mean really bad ads? These Google AdWords ads are among the worst we've seen.
We're taking a look at the best and worst landing pages on the web - check out these landing page examples to learn how your landing pages can improve.
Few businesses devote enough time and energy to building negative keyword lists, despite the crucial role that negative keywords play in maximizing the ROI of an AdWords campaign. In this guide, we run through the steps of building a negative keyword list.
A/B testing best practices can save you time, money and effort. Maximize your landing pages' conversions by following these simple tips.
The PageRank algorithm is constantly changing. But will PageRank always depend on links? 12 SEO experts weigh in on the future of backlinks for Google search.
If you're not tracking conversions in Google Ads, you're driving in the dark without headlights. Learn why conversion tracking is so important in PPC.
Average click-through rates are just that: average. Don't you want your CTR to be BETTER than average? Learn how to get AdWords click-through rates over three times higher than the average CTR in this tip-packed guide to better ad writing.
Which Google Ads metrics should you be focusing on? Learn where to start when it comes to analyzing the PPC metrics in your Google Ads account.
You may remember that in early November 2013 Google rolled out a new AdWords campaign type called “Search Network with Display Select.”