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We surveyed over 500 businesses to find out where they go for marketing resources and insights. Get the full breakdown.


Google Ads Metrics: How to Make Sense of Your PPC Data

Which Google Ads metrics should you be focusing on? Learn where to start when it comes to analyzing the PPC metrics in your Google Ads account.

Search Network with Display Select: Should You Use AdWords’ New Campaign Type?

You may remember that in early November 2013 Google rolled out a new AdWords campaign type called “Search Network with Display Select.”

21 Facebook Advertising Tips to Try Right Now

Looking for the best ways to advertise on Facebook? Check out our 21 best Facebook advertising tips and start succeeding today!

Gordon Donnelly
January 30, 2014 | Facebook Ads

Hacking Google Ads: Winning at Google Ads the Weird Way

Quality Score is the key to hacking AdWords. A deep dive into how Google calculates your Quality Score plus top tips on how to raise your Quality Scores.

Larry Kim
January 29, 2014 | Paid Search Marketing

Toward a Linkless SEO: The SEO Link Is Dying. Here’s What Might Replace It

The SEO link is dying. What will replace the link? We predict how a search engine might rank organic content based on other quality signals, without links...

Elisa Gabbert
January 24, 2014 | SEO

All About AdChoices: What Is AdChoices? How Does it Affect Advertisers & Consumers?

What is AdChoices? How do you get rid of AdChocies? How does the AdChoices program affect advertisers? Learn all about the Ad Choices program and how it affects both users and advertisers in this guide.

3 Reasons Guest Blogging Isn’t as Dead as Matt Cutts Says It Is

In fact, I might argue that few SEO techniques get “more and more spammy” by proportion. In other words, they’re not going from 10% spammy to 50% spammy. You just see more spam because there’s more of everything – more good guest posts, but more crap and spam too.

Elisa Gabbert
January 20, 2014 | Content Marketing

How Your Google Ads Daily Budget Works With Ad Scheduling

Don't let Google spend more than your monthly budget! Let’s review how your Google Ads daily budget works, especially when you’re using ad scheduling.

How to Get New Clients: Top 6 Tips from Successful PPC Agencies

Get top tips from the experts at leading SEM, PPC, and digital agencies on how they get more clients and improve their client prospecting efforts.

YouTube Remarketing: Why & How to Try Remarketing with YouTube Videos

Using YouTube videos is the next step in the evolution of remarketing. Learn how in this guide to creating YouTube video remarketing ads for AdWords.

Chris Panetta
January 15, 2014 | Marketing Ideas

5 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Efforts This Year

Having a presence on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is crucial for business. Learn five social media marketing strategies to help your business conquer the social landscape this year.

Margot Whitney
January 9, 2014 | Social Media

Bid Optimization: Getting Started with Bid Optimization in Google Ads

Learn how to get started with PPC bid optimization in Google AdWords. Learn a bid optimization workflow, bid optimization strategies to try and more.

How to Use Google Ads for Real Estate Marketing

Learn how to market an apartment community through a Google AdWords PPC campaign with geotargeting in this complete guide to AdWords apartment marketing.

Gmail Advertising Showdown: Gmail Sponsored Promotions vs. Managed Placements

Learn how the new Gmail Sponsored Promotions beta compares to Managed Placements when it comes to Gmail advertising CTR, CPA and other results.

Deduping Keywords: How to Identify & Remove Duplicate Keywords

Identifying and removing duplicate keywords is essential to the health of your Google Ads account. Check out this blog post to learn how to do it!

Erin Sagin
December 31, 2013 | Paid Search Marketing

The Small Business Guide to the DMCA and Copyright Law

What is a DMCA takedown notice and why do they happen? Find out how to protect yourself with our small business guide to the DMCA and copyright law - read it now!

Megan Marrs
December 26, 2013 | Marketing Ideas

Best of PPC: The Hottest Guides, Case Studies & Articles of the Year!

On the off chance you haven’t been keeping up to this extent every day, I wanted to share my picks for the best, most informative, absolute must-read PPC articles of 2013.

Larry Kim
December 23, 2013 | Paid Search Marketing

Quick Guide to Google Grants: Google Ads for Nonprofits

Learn all about the Google Grants program, which provides free ad spend for nonprofit organizations, including eligibility and tips for succeeding with Google Ad Grants.

How to Compete in AdWords: Improve Results Without Just Raising Bids

Are you staying competitive in AdWords? Learn how to get your Google ads at the top of the page WITHOUT just bidding higher in this guide.

How to Survive the Google Ads Advanced Search Exam

Looking to get AdWords certified? Follow these five tips for passing the Google AdWords Advanced Exam with flying colors and minimal headaches.

Twitter Retargeting: Now On Twitter, Ads Follow You

Twitter just announced new ad retargeting options that will be a boon for revenues. Learn why Twitter retargeting, AKA Tailored Audiences, is powerful.

Larry Kim
December 5, 2013 | Social Media

RIP Google AdWords Editor??

RIP AdWords Editor: Why Google will soon retire Google AdWords Editor and join the Google Graveyard of discontinued products.

Larry Kim
December 4, 2013 | Paid Search Marketing

The Complete Guide to Google Remarketing Best Practices

Remarketing campaigns are an excellent way to increase return traffic to your site and improve conversion rates. Learn best practices for Google remarketing from top to bottom in this complete guide to getting your retargeting right!

Guest Author
December 4, 2013 | Display Ads

7 Ways to Spruce Up Your Landing Pages for the Holidays

Make sure your seasonal PPC landing pages are properly aligned with your ad text and holiday offers in order to make the most of PPC this holiday season

Jeff Stevens
November 27, 2013 | Landing Pages

Uh-Oh, A Third of Your Display Ad Impressions Are Worthless! Here’s What to Do About It

Google seems to be in the process of (finally) launching Active View features average CPM, viewable CTR and viewable impressions. I say “seems to be” as they have not yet made an official announcement, and no supporting material (i.e., help documentation) is yet available.

Miranda Miller
November 26, 2013 | Display Ads

Holiday PPC Planning: Three Advanced Strategies for AdWords

Learn advanced strategies for acing your holiday AdWords campaigns, including making use of new ad extensions, Product Listing Ads, and Dynamic Remarketing.

Erin Sagin
November 26, 2013 | Paid Search Marketing