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The 11 Best SMART Goal Examples for Business

The SMART framework helps you set better goals, and these examples will make it easy to do.


AdWords Review Extensions: Add Positive Reviews & Testimonials to Your AdWords Ads

Learn how to use the newest Google AdWords extension, Review Extensions, to add positive reviews, awards and testimonials to your AdWords text ads.

Confessions of a Reformed Black Hat PPC Marketer: My CPC Arbitrage Story

Doing that for about 2 years will make anyone crazy, including me. Maybe I was too young, and maybe too crazy. But I had high standards for myself and I just could NOT see myself doing this any longer.

The Complete Guide to Yelp Reviews: Getting, Removing & More

For local businesses like restaurants and salons, Yelp is an absolute must! Here's your complete business guide to using Yelp.

Megan Marrs
July 22, 2013 | Social Media

The PPC Guide for B2B Professionals

Learn how B2B market characteristics can influence and inform your PPC campaigns in this PPC guide for business-to-business companies.

How to Reduce Your Cost Per Conversion by 16-80% (Sorry, Haters, Quality Score Still Matters)

Learn how Quality Score affects cost per conversion, and why optimizing for Quality Score and optimizing for CPA are essentially the same thing.

The Small Business Strategy Guide to Google AdWords

Learn how small businesses can take advantage of Google AdWords advertising to drive leads and sales in this small business strategy guide.

12 Tests to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate, Starting Today

Learn the 12 easiest ways to improve your landing page conversion rate, including testing your headline, using directional cues, shortening your lead form and more.

AdWords Account Audit Checklist

Use this free AdWords Account Audit Checklist when evaluating a new Google AdWords account to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Banner Ads Are Back from the Dead: How Google Has Given Banner Ads New Life

Banner ads are largely seen these days as fossils from the internet’s dinosaur period, back when blinking text was cool and Angelfire sites were all the rage.

Google Products Graveyard: Mourning Google Reader and Other Discontinued Google Products and Services

A list of discontinued Google Products and Services including Google Reader, iGoogle, Google Wave, Google Buzz and other Google products of the past.

Predictive Search: Is This the Future or the End of Search?

Ever since Google introduced auto-complete in 2004, predictive search has become a welcome part of our internet interactions, helping us search faster, find results quicker, and discover answers to questions we didn’t even know we had.

Google Ads Campaigns Limited by Budget? Find Out What It Means & What to Do

What should you do when your Google campaigns are limited by budget? Here are some tips for improving results without just raising your AdWords budgets.

How To Get Even More Google Sitelinks!

Google has today made it easier than ever to get new bigger and better Google Sitelinks for your ads, which help people find information deeper in your site so they can get to where they want to go faster.  

The Top 10 Best Google Ads Features You’re Not Using

Learn the top 10 best Google AdWords features that you're probably not using, and why you should be!

Should I Delete My Low Quality Score Keywords?

Should you delete your keywords with low Quality Scores in AdWords? Not necessarily! Learn when to delete and how to go to the source of the problem.

12 Alternatives to Buying Pinterest Followers: Put Away Your Wallet, We’ve Got a Better Way

Still, in a world where the number of your followers and fans matters more than it should (says the person with less than 100 Pinterest followers), most savvy social media moguls long for as many follower notches on the Pinterest-bedpost as they can manage.

Megan Marrs
June 10, 2013 | Social Media

How Product Listing Ads Are Stealing Your Conversions

Learn how Google's Product Listing Ads suck all the clicks with commercial intent from the SERP, leaving no ROI for organic results and other PPC ads.

Google Ads Extensions Cheat Sheet

Google Ads ad extensions are a highly effective way to make your ads bigger and more clickable, at no additional cost to you. But there are so many extension types -- which ad extensions are right for you? Learn which ad extensions to enable with this cheat sheet.

News Flash: PPC Is Inbound Marketing

News Flash: PPC Is Inbound Marketing! Why the distinction between inbound vs outbound marketing is NOT about "Free" vs. "Paid", but rather Interruption vs. Flow.

Social Media Management Tools: What’s the Right Tool for Your Business?

Which social media management tool is best for your business? Find out with our complete review of the top social media management tools!

Megan Marrs
May 23, 2013 | Social Media

Buying Twitter Followers: The (Cheap) Price of Friendship

Does your competitor buy Twitter followers? Are you considering buying more Twitter followers? Learn the pros and cons, plus how to earn more Twitter followers the safe and natural way!

Megan Marrs
May 16, 2013 | Social Media

Web Content Writers Wanted!

Whether or not it’s fair to classify WordStream as a startup, we certainly still think of ourselves that way. And one of the challenges of startup life is the rapid growth – meaning our needs often outpace our hiring.

Elisa Gabbert
May 15, 2013 | Copywriting

Should You Include the Same Keyword with All Match Types in Google Ads?

Should I bid on the same keyword with different match types? Find out why bidding on broad, phrase, and exact on the same keyword may not make sense.

Persuasive Copywriting: 4 Tips for Higher Converting Websites

Learn for tips for writing subtly persuasive copy that convinces visitors to convert on your website.

Guest Author
May 2, 2013 | Copywriting

AdWords Keyword Planner Explained: How to Use Keyword Planner

If you're not already using Keyword Planner regularly in your AdWords management workflow, you should be! Check out this comprehensive overview to the AdWords Keyword Planner, a powerful keyword research tool built right into the AdWords interface.

How to Measure the ROI of Social Media (No, it’s Not Impossible!)

Confused about how to measure social media ROI? Learn why measuring the ROI of social media is a challenge plus tools to help you effectively track social media ROI.

Megan Marrs
April 25, 2013 | Social Media