I’ll bet you $20 that the man who designed this shirt is a marketer…and he’s probably wearing this shirt in his Tinder profile picture.
I’m not even kidding. Luckily, I caught it and was able to correct her before she slandered my name completely.
Literally. Because we all know that, if you don’t start planning for Q4 over the summer, there won’t be any holiday cheer in your life come December.
Its ok, we’ve all tampered with remarketing once or twice in hopes that discount that an ad with a discount code will soon come our way. Perhaps the best story I’ve heart of an advertising professional manipulating remarketing is that of a woman who used her boyfriend’s computer to shop for engagement rings solely to ensure he’d be stalked by ring ads. Sure enough, he took the bait and proposed soon after.
Ok, maybe this one is just me, but I was pretty proud of myself the day BingAds’ Evangelist, John Gagnon followed me. I can actually confirm that Larry Kim had a very similar reaction the day John followed him. In fact, Larry may just be John’s original Fanboy. I even have the tweet to prove it.
Sure, we’re all desperate to score tickets to hang out with our fellow digital marketing friends and see Aziz and Amy Schumer speak. Good news, you can stop harassing your PPC pals. We’ve got that code you’re begging for right here.
It’s cool, it’s not spying if it’s research. In fact, 9 out of 10 times, you probably go through with the purchase anyway, just to keep a clean conscience.
Here’s to hoping you are averaging between 7’s and 10’s. Below 5 and you need to make some serious changes.
Turns out it wasn’t even THAT big of a deal.
You’ve even optimized your route to work.
Unfortunately, you can’t convince them to do the same.
Remember when you one too many drinks put you in a stupor? Yep, now it’s one too many spreadsheets.
…and nightmares of being dethroned (that’s where you and Kanye West differ).
Its ok guys, it happens. JUST DON’T MAKE A HABIT OF IT.
Because at nearly 90% of its total revenue, online advertising is Google’s bread and butter.
Its ok, all of us digital marketers bookmark cool landing pages on the reg. How else could we convince our clients/bosses to revamp their sites?
The only thing that incites more rage is when you realize that AdWords Editor has yet to be updated.
Because, let’s be honest, no PPCer can really rest easy until Valentine’s Day is over.
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