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Keyword Research & Tools

Identifying the right keywords is crucial for both SEO and PPC success. But finding the best keywords for your campaigns and strategy can be difficult. These articles provide insights, ideas, examples, and tools to simply keyword research.

5 Tips for Dominating Your Ecommerce Keyword Research

Building out an e-commerce account is daunting--it's easy to run out of keyword ideas! Luckily, these five tips will ease the pain and help you find brand new, unique e-commerce keywords.

Erin Sagin
January 18, 2016 | Ecommerce Strategy

3 Cool New Keyword Tools for Generating Content Ideas

You know how they say you should shake up your work-out routine from time to time to “shock your body”? (Real talk: I never do this.) The same is true of your keyword research routine – changing up your tools is a great way to get new content ideas.

Elisa Gabbert
December 1, 2015 | Content Marketing

Ask the Experts: What Is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

In WordStream's latest Ask the Experts video, Erin Sagin explains what dynamic keyword insertion is, and when it can and should be used by AdWords advertisers.

Ask the Experts: Intro to Negative Keyword Match Types

Negative keyword match types can be confusing to newcomers to paid search. In our second Ask the Experts video, Erin Sagin explains how to use each of the three major negative match types.

The 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Bing Ads [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ever wonder what the most expensive keywords in paid search advertising are? This new infographic reveals original research on the 20 most expensive keywords in Bing Ads.

Myth Busting: The Truth About Long-Tail Keywords

We dispel some common myths about using long-tail keywords for PPC advertising and point you in the right direction for keyword research and discovery.

3 Super-Actionable Keyword Research Tips to Try Right Now

These super-actionable keyword research tips will help you mine Google Suggest and Keyword Planner for keyword ideas, then prioritize using our secret formula.

The Beginner’s Guide to Building a Negative Keyword List

Few businesses devote enough time and energy to building negative keyword lists, despite the crucial role that negative keywords play in maximizing the ROI of an AdWords campaign. In this guide, we run through the steps of building a negative keyword list.