One of the ways I snag some easy link wins is by turning citations into links. Of all the daily link building tactics I engage in, this is probably one of the best ROI producers. You see, at WordStream, we get cited dozens of times each day across the Web.
Learn the benefits of using bid management software along with Google's new Enhanced CPC to lower your bids and cost per click.
Unless you've been living in a cave, you know the flavor of the month for link baiting is INFOGRAPHICS!!! They're everywhere, and many major online publications (Huff Post, Fast Company, BoingBoing, Mashable, etc) make it a habit of running cool infographics each day.
When should you use organic search engine optimization (SEO) and when should you use pay-per-click (PPC) marketing for the best results?
What is the new modified broad match option in Google AdWords? Learn the basics of this keyword type, plus when and how to use the broad match modifier in your AdWords PPC campaigns.
Learn how to use the AdWords IP Exclusion Tool to eliminate irrelevant clicks and impressions and improve AdWords results.
Learn how to compare the results in your PPC account from month to month using Excel.
Learn how to target relevant keyword phrases with your blog posts in three steps.
What is link juice? Why is it important to your SEO strategy? Learn how to find and drain link juice to maximize SEO in this thorough post.
Sometimes it feels like the Internet and social media are making us dumber and slower, but some authors argue they actually make us smarter.