Dan Shewan

Dan Shewan

Originally from the U.K., Dan Shewan is a journalist and web content specialist who now lives and writes in New England. Dan’s work has appeared in a wide range of publications in print and online, including The Guardian, The Daily Beast, Pacific Standard magazine, The Independent, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and many other outlets.

HomeBlogDan Shewan

Dwell Time: The Most Important Metric You’re Not Measuring

Dwell time, the length of time that a visitor spends on a page before returning to the SERPs, is one of the most important analytics metrics, as well as one of the most frequently misunderstood. Learn what dwell time is and how you can increase it for better SEO results.

5 Cognitive Biases & How to Overcome Them On Your Landing Pages

In today’s post, we’re going to examine what cognitive bias is, look at several examples of these behaviors in action, and outline how you can overcome (or at least account for) them with your landing pages.

5 Creative Ways to Use Google Glass (and How to Win Your Own!)

Ever wanted to take a vacation to an exotic destination overseas, but been put off by the language barrier? Well, with Glass, you can translate both spoken and written words on the fly.

6 Google Analytics Tips for Business Insight Way Beyond Traffic

Recently I discovered six Google Analytics tips that totally changed the way I use the software. Want to get better, more actionable data about your site’s visitors and traffic patterns? Here are my six best Google Analytics tips that can help your business too!

How to Calculate (And Lower!) Your Customer Churn Rate

What is customer churn? What constitutes a good churn rate? Learn why and how you need to work to retain your customers in this guide to client churn.

What Is Long-Form Content & Why Does It Work?

Curious if long-form content could help your content marketing efforts and drive more traffic to your site? Learn what qualifies as long-form content and why long-form content works so well for many businesses, plus see five great examples of long-form content marketing.

The Clueless Marketer’s Guide to Building a Landing Page from Scratch

In today’s post, you’ll learn how to build a landing page from the ground up, including landing page tools and templates to help you get the job done.

How to Write a Ferociously Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition, or USP, is what makes your business different. Learn how to write a USP by following these proven unique selling proposition examples.

3 A/B Tests That Surprised the Heck Out of Us (See You at the Opties!)

A/B tests are an integral part of WordStream's marketing efforts. In this post, we examine three A/B tests that surprised us.