Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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Links on Landing Pages: To Link or Not to Link? [DATA]

Most landing page experts advocate limiting links on landing pages so your visitors don't leave the page. But are marketers following this best practice?

Where AdWords Website Call Conversions Can Go Wrong

If you use a single Google AdWords account to manage multiple websites, your website call conversions set up is probably broken. Learn the workaround to fix it.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): What You Need to Know

Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a Google AdWords feature that allows advertisers to tailor their search campaigns based on whether a user has previously visited their website (or app), and the pages that user viewed. Not sure how to implement them? We have all the info in this post.

5 Call Tracking Mistakes that Are Hurting Your PPC Campaigns

Call tracking is a game changer for businesses that get a lot of call-in leads or sales. Just make sure you aren't making these crucial mistakes.

My Controversial Answers to Common Startup Questions #12experts

One of my favorite things to do is talk with early entrepreneurs that are thinking about starting a company. Here's my counter-intuitive advice for budding entrepreneurs and startup founders.

How to Use Google Ads for Real Estate Marketing

Learn how to market an apartment community through a Google AdWords PPC campaign with geotargeting in this complete guide to AdWords apartment marketing.

The Complete Guide to Google Remarketing Best Practices

Remarketing campaigns are an excellent way to increase return traffic to your site and improve conversion rates. Learn best practices for Google remarketing from top to bottom in this complete guide to getting your retargeting right!

Creative PPC: 5 Clever & Interesting Ways to Use PPC Marketing

Learn five clever, creative ways to use PPC marketing, including testing messaging for offline advertising and nonprofit fundraising.

The 80/20 Principle, Part 3: Finding Your Natural Persuasion Groove

Looking back on the two grueling years I spent as a manufacturer’s rep, pounding the phone and trying to go see people who didn’t want to see me, I now realize one of the biggest problems of all was I didn’t have any appreciation for how I naturally sold and persuaded.