Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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6 Ways to Target Early-Stage Buyers in PPC

Don't just focus on SQL's -- targeting early stage buyers with PPC can be an extraordinarily effective technique. Find out six ways to make sure you're targeting every stage in the funnel in this post.

4 Simple but Powerful Tactics for Writing Compelling Ad Copy

Every business needs traffic, and great ad copy can drive tons of traffic. Here are four simple and actionable tips that will make your advertising copy more compelling and effective.

Why We Need Conversion Benchmarks, Even if They’re Dumb

You might think conversion rate benchmarks are useless, but you may be surprised by how much we need them, even if those benchmarks are wrong. Here's why, and how to use them.

6 Tips to Supercharge Your Holiday Google Shopping Campaigns

Here are six tips to help supercharge your Google Shopping campaigns this holiday season. These strategies will help drive major visibility and returns on your product advertising.

Building a Successful Paid Twitter Campaign From the Ground Up

Here's everything you need to know to launch a successful Twitter advertising campaign, from audience targeting to hashtags to crafting the perfect promoted tweet.

5 Holiday Email Optimizations for PPC Marketers

The holiday season is creeping closer and now’s the perfect time to fine-tune your PPC—and email marketing—campaigns to make sure your marketing program is ready for the big rush.

4 Ways to Make Your Landing Page Experience More Relevant

When running a PPC ad campaign it's crucial to sure you have a relevant landing page associated with your ad. Here are 4 ways to make your PPC landing page experience more relevant and more effective.

How to Calculate Your Marketing Budget [Infographic]

Not sure how much your business should spend on marketing? Use this simple process and formula to calculate your marketing budget, whatever your company size and revenue.

How to Calculate the ROI of Offline Transactions

We can measure which ad campaigns lead to form completions (conversions), but how do we know which ones lead to actual sales? Here's a system that works!