Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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How to Calculate the ROI of Offline Transactions

We can measure which ad campaigns lead to form completions (conversions), but how do we know which ones lead to actual sales? Here's a system that works!

4 Big Local Marketing Trends (+8 Ways to Adapt)

Some big new trends in social media, video marketing, mobile advertising and search are changing the game for local businesses. Find out how to stay ahead of the curve!

Top 5 Mobile Tests to Try This Month

The key to converting more mobile visitors is understanding that their mindset and behavior is different. These five mobile A/B test ideas have the potential to really move the needle.

Making the Case for Controversial Marketing: 5 Questions to Answer

Controversial marketing campaigns have the power to break through the noise and drive tons of attention, but how do you convince your boss or client to take the leap? Here's how.

The Ladder of Improvement: A Simple Technique that Can Dramatically Improve Your AdWords Campaigns

The Ladder of Improvement is a technique that gives you two benefits: It helps you prioritize where to spend your energy and money and helps you achieve small wins at each rung.

SEO Lensing: How to Climb the SERPs with Content Consolidation

In this must-read post, learn how a simple technique called SEO lensing, or content consolidation, can help you climb the SERPs and improve rankings without creating more content.

4 Emails to Include in Every PPC Lead Nurturing Campaign

Figuring out the email content in your lead nurturing campaigns can be a challenge. Start with these four easy lead nurturing emails to help your newly captured leads interact with your business.

5 Killer Examples of Data-Driven Marketing

Don't dive into marketing without the right data! Using data to inform and analyze your marketing campaigns makes all the difference. Check out these five killer examples of data-driven marketing campaigns that got great results.

A 5-Step Plan to Use Influencer Marketing for Content Promotion

Using influencer marketing for content promotion can be amazingly powerful, and in this guest post, Nick Eubanks shows you exactly how to do it in five steps.