WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.
Learn how to use Excel to make common PPC tasks easier, including writing PPC ads and estimating profits and losses. Includes 2 free downloads!
Have you ever thought about using keyword research to guide new product development? Learn how to find out what customers want using Google Suggest.
So you’ve got a successful blog – now how do you start making money from it? Passive income is the best. Learn five ways to monetize your WordPress blog including pay-per-click advertising, sponsored posts, custom search, affiliate links and more.
Learn how to gain valuable insights by comparing year-over-year data from your AdWords search query reports.
Google and Bing (adCenter) use different keyword match types. Learn the differences between these match types and how they'll affect your ads.
Learn why you need to set up at least two different PPC campaigns if you're running an AdWords campaign in a competitive local market.
Learn how to use negative keyword lists in Google AdWords to prevent broad match ad poaching across your PPC campaigns.
Learn how to visualize link flow in your website using simple free tools including Xenu and GraphViz.
Learn how to use semantic analysis techniques to improve on-page SEO factors in this guest post from information retrieval expert David Harry.