WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.
Learn how to use semantic analysis techniques to improve on-page SEO factors in this guest post from information retrieval expert David Harry.
Not all links are created equal! Learn why footer links can harm both the linking site and the site being linked to.
Learn how you can use keyword research to write better, more persuasive email marketing messages.
Learn how changing the language on the About Us page helped one company raise conversion rates by 13% overnight.
Learn how to compare the results in your PPC account from month to month using Excel.
Broken links can have a negative impact on your site's SEO and usability. Learn how to use Xenu, Google Analytics, Excel and other tools to find and fix those broken links. It's easy and fast and will keep Google and users happy.
Performance-based advertising is focused on CPA (cost per action), but you should also take lifetime value (LTV) into account.
As such, I thought it would be a good idea to look at the many faces of web spam, from the search engineer perspective. This isn't about teaching you how to be a better spammer -- quite the opposite actually, as I am not a fan of that crap.
Five tips to help you ace your upcoming pay-per-click (PPC) industry certification exam, including the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) Test.