WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.
Still not using Facebook Ads to attract your B2B leads? Here, we share why you need to be leveraging the platform and three ways to get those high-quality leads.
There has been increasing interest in chatbots over recent years because of their ability to take on the burden of time-consuming business tasks.
Have you audited your account since Google announced changes to its exact match keyword targeting (yet again)? Here's how.
Some cognitive biases are common enough that you can count on them to influence consumer behavior – and even include them in your marketing strategy. Here are six cognitive biases that you can use in your marketing strategy to boost sales.
WordStream partnered with Search Engine Journal to find out what PPC experts are predicting for 2019. Here, we're featuring the top 10 trends that 28 industry leads expect to see next year.
After announcing the Speed Update, Google changed their approach to measuring page speed. Here, we share the top three ways you can now use page speed as an opportunity to improve your ranking.
Here we share five simple tweaks to boost your form conversion rate and encourage those high-quality leads to convert.
If you want to get the most out of your advertising campaigns and make sure each ad is as impactful as possible, you need to optimize your ad links. Here we share five ways you can upgrade the links in your Google Ads with deep links, tags and more.
With the Black Fiveday period falling a week earlier than in recent years, there is no time like the present to get preparing. Follow these five simple tips to get your search campaigns ready for the Black Fiveday madness.