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This expert shares his top picks for building effective landing pages plus tips that will help you drive more conversions fast.
Monochromatic backgrounds, microanimations, minimalist branding, and more!
The all-in-one guide to writing landing pages that win over leads and customers.
Caution: Contents flammable! The design, layout, and copywriting in these examples are fire 🔥
From customizable experiences to the color coral, there are lots of creative ways to crank up the conversions this year.
We rated 16 thank you page examples based on copy, creativity, and design. Find out the winners!
Pique audience interest with a coming soon landing page to announce a new product or service—with examples!
On this episode of the Goal Talk podcast, host Mikayla Wyman talks to WordStream Director of Managed Services Zina Kayyali all about landing pages.
Webinars can help you to build your brand authority and your audience. Here's how to use proper targeting, appealing content, and compelling calls to action to encourage more attendees to yours!
If you’re in marketing, you’re no stranger to landing pages. We’ve all clicked through an interesting ad looking for more information and abandoned the landing page because it was too confusing or didn’t hold enough information.
Great event landing pages have much more than the basic where, when, and why. Here are seven examples of great event landing pages from Salesforce, SXSW, and more, so that you can learn from the best and create your own high-converting landing pages!
Landing pages are important for all business, but for startups the bar is higher—and so are the stakes. Here are the eight elements your startup landing page needs, including a visual hook, an emotional appeal, and more!
We see a lot of boring landing pages. So when we're grabbed by the background imagery, drawn in by the copy, or inspired by the CTA, we remember. Here are 17 cool landing pages we wish we made—plus tips for creating list-worthy landing pages of your own!
When prospects click on your ad, you don’t just need them to fill out your webform. You need them to fill out your form correctly. Here's how to make sure these leads are complete and correct with email validation.
Here we share five simple tweaks to boost your form conversion rate and encourage those high-quality leads to convert.
By establishing visual hierarchy, you can ensure that the message a landing page aims to deliver is communicated effectively to page visitors. Learn how to use F and Z viewing patterns to optimize landing pages for user experience.
What can real estate marketers do to ensure your brand stands out against the many others online? This guide will show you how to create stunning and effective real estate landing pages so you can build your lead list and close more sales.
Check out nine places to grab free landing page templates that look great, are easy to use, and are designed for conversions whatever your industry.
Which landing page designs are most effective? Long or short? Flat, minimalist design? Video landing pages? In this comprehensive guide, Dan Stelter settles this age-old question once and for all.
Need more conversions? Then you need to be testing your landing pages! Here are six data-based A/B testing ideas that can get you more conversions from your landing pages.
From navigation menus to form fields to CTA's, effective landing page formulas can be tough to crack. Learn how to maximize your conversion rates with these 33 landing page optimization stats.
The human brain processes emotion hundreds of times faster than text. Here's how to choose powerful, emotional images for your landing pages to drive more conversions.
The relevancy and quality of your landing pages affect your Quality Score, which directly affects your cost per click (CPC). Because of that, optimizing your landing pages can help you save money while improving your conversion rates.
Social proof has the power to make a buyer purchase. Whether it be a B2B software solution or a consumer product, social proof can shift our perceptions and push us down the funnel to convert.
Without fine-tuned PPC landing pages, a great account structure and compelling ad copy aren't going to lead to more conversions. Learn three super effective, underused landing page tips from our AdWords experts!
A 404 or Not Found error happens with a user tries to follow a dead, broken, or nonexistent link. The best 404-error pages on the web make the most of this rerouted traffic. Check out 9 examples.
When running a PPC ad campaign it's crucial to sure you have a relevant landing page associated with your ad. Here are 4 ways to make your PPC landing page experience more relevant and more effective.