These are the most popular suggestions for Online Stores Keywords generated by WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool. To get have all of these keywords sent to you, simply enter your Email address and click “Email Keywords” below.
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The prominence of online shopping – AKA ecommerce – can no longer be ignored. By 2021, the global value of online sales will land somewhere around $4.5 trillion. For reference, that figure was well under $3 trillion just last year.
Although 90% of retail sales in the U.S. still take place in traditional, brick-and-mortar stores, the American ecommerce market is growing at a cool 15% per year. 35% of American online shoppers report that they consider physical retail locations a secondary option, and 39% say that social media is a source of shopping inspiration. A smaller group – 11% – say they use mobile devices to shop online at least once per week.
Regardless of how those numbers strike you, these two should certainly make an impact: 70% of American consumers begin their shopping experiences with a search engine, and Google results after the first page average a CTR of only 1.5%. In other words, ranking well for the above keywords is critical for online shopping marketers. That’s why we’re here to provide some advice.
Let’s expand on the topic we just mentioned: ranking. Effective marketing in the online shopping industry requires a strong grasp of search engine optimization (SEO). Basically, there’s a whole bunch of stuff you can do to improve your position in organic search engine results. For starters, you can produce awesome content that drives traffic, generates buzz on social media, and earns external links from other sites. Internally linking to other pages on your site is smart, too. This helps search engines crawl your site and keeps visitors around longer. More engagement, lower bounce rates, Papa John’s.
Speaking of content, it’s a good idea to shape it according to those popular keywords. Incorporating keywords into URLs, titles, headings, body copy, image names, and alternative image texts is key to good SEO. Don’t overdo it, though: search engines are smart, and they’ll come down on you with the raging force of 10,000 suns if you nonsensically stuff your content and code full of keywords.
When it comes to paid search, simply bidding on those top keywords isn’t gonna cut it. First things first: they’re super broad. Although broad keywords are good in the sense that their search volumes are huge and, therefore, can draw a lot of new attention to your brand, the competition is insane. Your chances of ranking highly are, uh, not high. Long-tail keywords to the rescue! These bad Larrys are just what you’re thinking: longer, less popular keywords that give you a better chance of ranking. Plus, the specificity of these keywords ensures that searchers are further along in the purchasing process. In other words, their clicks are more valuable and they’re more likely to convert into customers. Maintain a balance between broad and long-tail keywords to keep your brand visible and minimize wasted clicks.
Speaking of paid search, landing pages are critical for ecommerce marketers. Mailing it in on landing pages is a great way to reduce the ROI for your AdWords campaigns. To get the best results, focus on making the transition from your search ads to your landing pages as smooth as possible. That means carrying the messaging and aesthetics of your ads over to your landing pages. Otherwise – if your landing page looks nothing like the origin ad – the visitor will be disoriented and unlikely to convert. Additionally, ensure that the mobile experience is mobile friendly and incorporate video content where you can. Videos are super conducive to telling a brand story and are proven to drive more traffic than pure text.
You can find further advice about marketing in the online shopping industry on the WordStream blog.